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Contact Info
1705 High House Rd,
Cary, NC 27513984-884-7983

We utilize a questionnaire to identify all symptoms that could be related to a lip or tongue tie. We thoroughly interview the parent to document the child’s history and discuss any functional issues. Next, we document and perform a full clinical evaluation of the child to determine the degree of restriction. If a restriction does exist, we take photos inside the mouth with our special camera to make sure we can visualize the unique structure of the tongue- or lip-tie before developing a plan for treatment.
We find that initial visits and consultations are covered by most medical and dental insurances. Medical/health insurance plans may cover both the exam and procedures, however the coverage limits vary greatly, and may depend on the age of your child, the functional symptoms they’re experiencing, which therapies you’ve already tried, and many other factors. Our guest services team will walk you through every step, and our office will advocate for you when working with your insurance company. Give us a call for more information regarding your specific medical or dental insurance.
Our payment options include cash, credit card, and CareCredit, which offers no-interest financing for six months. Your payment (as defined by your insurance) is due in full at the time the exam or procedure is performed. The procedure is an investment in your child’s current and future health, as we see issues with breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, eating solids, speaking resolve after the procedure.
Tongue-ties and lip-ties can be tricky to diagnose properly, and training in this area is lacking among healthcare professionals. The subject is not covered in dental or medical schools, or even in residency programs. A provider must seek out additional training and continuing education to be up on the latest trends and diagnostic factors. Dr. Ray Tseng attends several tongue-tie-
related conferences every year and is up-to-date on the latest tongue-tie information. We are happy to evaluate your child and, if there is a restriction, give you our recommendation for treatment. Often times, parents will sense that something is not right, even after another provider has told them there is no restriction. They come to us for a second opinion and we evaluate the child, identify the restriction, and provide treatment. After the child receives the care they need, the issue resolves. Unfortunately, this scenario happens weekly in our office, so Dr. Tseng is working on several research projects to help educate not only providers but also parents.